Thursday, March 21, 2013

Can of Question and a Camera

One piece of technology I think every teacher should invest in are flip cameras. They literally can serve a great purpose in the classroom and save so much time when it comes to individual assessment. 

I have used flip camera for recording skits, interviews, conversations, or just a quick impromptu reply from my students. I think it's important to have an oral assessment with every unit. The kids need to know that they HAVE TO KNOW how to say it. Isn't that the point of being able to speak a language? 

Anyways, one activity I do which is quick and simple is I get a can (I have several of them). I got them for a 1.00 at the dollar store and I bought around 10, cut up questions pertaining to the current unit we are working on, and a put a camera in the can as well. I divide the class into groups...usually 5 to 6 groups. I tell them one person come get a can and then to scatter....some go in the hall, some in the back of the room, some in the front, etc. I tell them to record everyone pulling a question and asking the question on demand. 

Afterwards, I take up the cameras, plug them in, get my grade book and just go down the list grading oral responses right then and there. No pulling each one out in the hallway or figuring out how I am going to get to every kid. :) 

God Bless
-Brittany B. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to be a Spanish teacher as well. Right now I'm a junior in college and now preparing for my very first "mock" lesson in a real classroom next week. I'm so nervous but I find your ideas to be super helpful. I'm even using for school supply vocabulary game, but with a little modification. Instead of saying something like "lo tengo" to lock in their answer, I'm saying a sentence in Spanish utilizing either querer or ir or both, since those are the verbs we're working on now. The change is, one person from each team go head to head (each team can tell the person who's "up" the answer if they don't know). Each person listens to my sentence and must understand in Spanish in order to grab the right school supply. But that's only half of it. If they grab the right one thy still have to translate my sentence. If they can't the other team gets a shot. If no one going head to head can translate, then I open it up to the teams at large for no points on that one. So I might say a sentence like "no quiero las Tijeras pero necesito la grapadora." If a student grabs the scissors instead of the stapler, the other team automatically gets a chance to translate. But a student grabs the stapler, then he or she gets a chance to translate the sentence. If they translate correctly, that's one point for their team. If they get it wrong, the other team gets a shot. The sentences will get slightly more complicated as the game goes on. (these are eighth graders who have already had two years of Spanish btw). Anyway, I know this is long, but I just want you to know that all the time you spend on this blog is worth it because other teachers (and future teachers) and reading it! -Embra
